
Project for Activities and Self-Protection Plan for a Tennis Club of Barcelona


INGETECNIA has collaborated with CENPAS Engineering in the drafting of the activities project of a tennis club in the city of Barcelona. The club has 19 tennis courts, additionally there is a gym, outdoor pool and 4 paddle tennis courts. The facilities consist of several buildings: farmhouse / club house, Sports Center, sports center, paddle

Ingetecnia has done the project and environmental licensing of “Nyam el Rebost de la Bruixa d’Or”.


Coffee-shop and restaurant in salt mountain cultural park


The goal was to design a restaurant service for 80,000 visitors per year, maintaining the original architectural style. Ingetecnia was in charge of project and implementation engineering.

Rehabilitation of casal Graells


Dating back to the 12th-14th century, The Casal Graells, is a two-storey Gothic building with a ground floor. Its structural design is that of town architecture for the residences of wealthy families during the Middle Ages in Cardona. The City council restored the building and it now houses the Municipal Archives and the Cardona Historic